Marine Surveys - Insurance Survey

Insurance Survey

An Insurance Survey or Insurance Condition Survey is often a requirement of the insurance company when a yacht changes ownership, reaches a certain age or every five or ten years.

Insurance companies will generally only accept Insurance Surveys from known surveyors or qualified surveyors who are member of one of the internationally recognised surveying organisations for example the IIMS.

Joe has carried this type of survey out for yacht owners who have British, European and American based insurers. Sometimes the different insurers have slightly different requirements so it is important to know exactly what the insurers require so the Insurance Survey is cost effective.

Some of the options for the Insurance Survey include:

  • Standard Insurance Condition Survey (out of the water) see detail below
  • Insurance Condition Survey plus valuation (out of the water)
  • Rig Survey including inspection from aloft (carried out afloat)

Please contact me with your requirements, or I can contact your insurers directly if you wish.

The Standard Insurance Condition Survey is carried out with the yacht out of the water and involves inspection of the following:

  • Hull and Superstructure
  • Steering gear and Stern gear
  • Ground Tackle, Mooring arrangements and Fastenings
  • Windows, hatches and Port lights
  • Handrails, Stanchions and lifelines
  • Lifesaving & fire fighting equipment
  • Masts, Spars and Rigging
  • Gas installations
  • Bilge and General Pumping Installations
  • Raw water systems and pipework
  • Machinery fuel systems and electrical installations

The detail of the survey is presented in a clear, easy to understand report. Photos are used where necessary. Within the report defects found during the survey are listed and information given on their importance and recommendations for repair. The report is delivered as soon as possible after the inspection, generally within a few days, I guarantee that this will be less than ten working days.

If you wish Joe can send the report directly to the insurers.


“We commissioned Mr Rowles to carry out a full condition (pre purchase) survey on a 26 year old HR352. In his response to our initial inquiry Mr Rowles was precise in what the survey would cover, what he would charge, and when the survey and if required the sea trial could be carried out. The execution of the survey was thorough, well organised, and meticulously carried out.”Christopher and Annabel Moir